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User Agreement

This User Agreement is prepared and developed to regulate the relationship between the User and the Site Administrator, to determine the mutual rights and obligations of the User and the Site Administrator, including the legal status (position) of the latter, the conditions and grounds of their liability, the grounds for its release, as well as the procedure for the application of appropriate enforcement measures for violations of the rules of the Site.
This User Agreement is a public offer, addressed by the Site Administrator to an unlimited number of fully legal and legally capable individuals (citizens) - Users to enter into a contract for the provision of services under this Agreement, under the conditions and in the manner prescribed in the Agreement.
Acceptance of this Agreement means the actual (conclusive) actions of the User, indicating acceptance of the terms of the Agreement, in particular such actions include Authorization of the User on the Site and payment for services of the Site Administrator.
Acceptance of the User Agreement means reading and agreeing with its terms, as well as the User's obligation to perform all the provisions and rules established in the text of the User Agreement.
The Website Administrator and the User are jointly referred to in this Agreement as the 'Parties' and individually as a 'Party.'
1.1 For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meaning:
1.1.1Website is a result of intellectual activity, which is a composite work located in the Internet under a certain network address, consisting of web pages, which include and contain programs for computers (software), providing its technical functioning, graphic solution (design), content, namely text information, photographic images, pictures, videos, etc., designed to provide entertainment and attraction services to Users of the Site. The Website in the text of this Agreement means the Website located on the Internet under the domain name (address) -, as well as its derivatives.
1.1.2Website Administrator - a person who has the rights to own, use and dispose of the Site on legal grounds and provides the Site for the use of the User in order to provide the latter with entertainment services under this Agreement.
1.1.3User - any natural person (citizen), who has passed the procedure of Authorization on the Site and uses the Site in accordance with its main purpose and functionality, in particular for entertainment services and moral and psychological satisfaction from the use of the Site.
1.1.4Authorization on the Site - individualization and identification of the User by assigning a unique name to the User on the Site, carried out in the manner and method determined by the Administrator of the Site, in particular, but not limited to, through registration on the Site (filling out the registration form on the Site), through the Internet platform 'Steam', through the social network 'VK', through the social network 'Facebook' or any other way at the discretion of the Administrator of the Site.
1.1.5Virtual object - game inventory (thing), game key, etc., which can be used in multiplayer online computer games.
1.1.6User Account - the User's personal card on the Site, consisting of the accounts received (provided) from him (her):
  • User Account - the User's personal card on the Site, consisting of the accounts received (provided) from him (her):;
  • Virtual objects submitted by the User on the Site.
  • Coins for use of the Site, reflecting all financial and property transactions performed by the User on the Site and/or through the Site, as well as the balance of unspent (unused) funds, Virtual Objects and Coins by the User.
1.1.7User Profile means a special virtual space on the Site, allocated (provided) to the User after Authorization on the Site, containing certain information about the User (received Virtual Objects, amount of received Entertainment Services, etc.), as well as other information necessary for the use of the Site in accordance with its main purpose and functionality.
1.2 Terms not defined in clause 1.1 of this Agreement may be used in the Agreement. In such cases, the terms shall be interpreted in accordance with the text and meaning of this Agreement. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of a term in the text of this Agreement, the interpretation of the terms should be guided: in the first place, as defined on the Site specified in clause 1.1.1. of this Agreement, in the second place, in accordance with the norms of current Estonian legislation.
2.1Use of the Site is allowed only to persons who have passed the procedure of Authorization on the Site. The use of the Site by persons who do not have full legal capacity in accordance with the laws of the country of residence of the User is prohibited.
2.2The use of the Site is allowed only for non-commercial purposes, aimed at meeting the personal emotional and psychological needs of Users.
2.3The Site Administrator at his own discretion and sole decision determines the procedure and information required for the Authorization of the User on the Site.
2.4If the User fails to log in to the Site for 12 consecutive months, the Site Administrator shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by notifying the User by e-mail, through the Site, or by any other available means. If, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of sending the notice, the User has not authorized on the Site and has not renewed the use of the Site's Services, this Agreement with a particular User is considered to be terminated.
2.6 In case of termination of this Agreement, the entire balance of Virtual Objects and Monetary (electronic) Funds held by the User while using the Website shall be cancelled at the moment of termination of the Agreement without any compensation whatsoever.
2.7After termination of this Agreement, the User may not make any claims or demands to the Website Administrator, including, but not limited to, demanding payment of money, provision of Virtual Objects, etc.
2.8The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that the placement of information on the Site, as well as its transfer to the Administrator of the Site, including its personal data is carried out by them independently, voluntarily and at their sole discretion.
2.9The User hereby gives his consent to the processing of his personal data. The Website Administrator has the right to use the User's personal data for the purposes of this Agreement, in particular for the provision of services.
2.10The User hereby consents to receive various sms, e-mails and other forms of sending/receiving information, including advertising and system messages and notifications from the Administrator of the Site.
2.11In case of termination of this Agreement, the entire balance of Virtual Objects and Monetary (electronic) Funds held by the User while using the Website shall be cancelled at the moment of termination of the Agreement without any compensation whatsoever.
2.11.1Information communicated and/or indicated and/or posted by the User on the Site as part of its use, in particular:
  • Data about Users specified during Authorization on the Site, in particular the name, last name, sex, e-mail address, nickname, password and other data about Users, determined at the discretion of the Administrator of the Site;
  • Data about Users posted and/or submitted by them via e-mail.
  • Data provided by the Users upon a motivated request of the Website Administrator. The Website Administrator shall be entitled to request from Users any information necessary for the Website Administrator to perform its obligations to provide Users access to the Website, and to perform its other obligations to Users. In so doing the Users shall be obliged to provide the respective information to the Website Administrator on time and in good faith.
2.11.2Information obtained automatically from software services used by Users when using the Site, in particular:
  • Data about the hardware stationary device used by the User when visiting the Site, including the brand (model), operating system and its version, a unique device identifier;
  • Information about the mobile network, phone model (brand), the location of the User, if a mobile device is used to access the Site;
  • Data recorded in server logs, in particular information about User search queries, cookies, IP address, system failures, etc;
  • Data about the domain of the User's ISP, country of his location;
  • Any other information (data) concerning the User obtained while using the Site, including in automatic mode.
2.11.3After the User has Authorized on the Site, the Site Administrator will be able to identify a particular User in the communities: STEAM, VK or Facebook, depending on the method of authorization selected by the User. The Site Administrator is also entitled to receive any information about the User placed in these services. When authorizing the User on the Site via their STEAM account, a unique numeric identifier is transmitted to the Site Administrator, but not the private data specified by the User on the STEAM resource.
2.12Site Adminiinstrator does not verify the accuracy of the information provided or received from users, does not monitor their legal and capacity, as assumes and proceeds from the fact that the User in all cases, without exception, provides complete and accurate information about himself, and maintains this information is up to date.
2.13Taking into account that personal data with the User's consent is publicly available, however, the Website Administrator, when processing personal data of Users, undertakes to take all organizational and technical measures to protect them from unauthorized access in a way not provided by the Website. However, it is possible that as a result of malfunction of the Site, virus or hacker attacks, technical failures and other circumstances, the User's personal data may become available to others. The User understands this and agrees that he/she will not have any claims against the Website Administrator in this regard, given that the User makes his/her personal data publicly available.
2.14Website Administrator will seek to avoid actions by third parties aimed at obtaining, modifying, blocking, destroying, distributing, copying personal data of Users.
2.15 By virtue of this Agreement, by specifying his personal data on the Site, the User unconditionally agrees:
  • With the provision of personal data to an unlimited number of people through the Site;
  • With the processing of personal data by the Site Administrator;
  • With the dissemination of personal data through the Site;
  • With other actions of the Website Administrator in relation to such data in connection with the operation of the Website.
2.16The User undertakes to keep the data for the use of the Site out of the reach of third parties, as well as not to report and not to provide the relevant information to third parties. The User bears full responsibility and risk of all possible potential and actual negative consequences related to non-compliance with this rule.
2.17By posting personal data on the Site, the User confirms that it does so voluntarily, and that it voluntarily provides it to the Site Administrator for processing. The User hereby confirms that its provision of information in the manner set forth in this Agreement is at the sole discretion and will of the User.
2.18The Website Administrator shall process only the User's personal data, which has been placed by the User on the Website. Personal data of the User is processed by software and hardware tools of the Site.
2.19The User undertakes not to place on the Site personal data of third parties, as well as not to use personal data of other Users in any way that does not meet the requirements of legislation, for illegal or unlawful purposes, for profit and any other purposes that do not meet the purposes of the Site.
2.20The User has the right to request deletion (removal) of information about him/her from the database formed on the Site. To do this, the User must send a notice to the Site Administrator's email address, indicating the email address and User ID number of the User whose information is to be deleted.
2.21As a general rule, the Website Administrator has no right to transfer information about Users to third parties, except when such transfer is necessary for the Website Administrator to perform its obligations to Users, as well as in cases specified in paragraph 2.18 of the Agreement.
2.22Cases in which information about the User may be disclosed to third parties without the prior consent of the User:
  • Transmission of information to State bodies, including bodies of inquiry and investigation, prosecutor's offices and local self-government bodies at their motivated request;
  • On the basis of a judicial act;
  • To third parties at their reasoned request in case of violation or alleged violation of their rights and interests;
  • In other cases determined by applicable law.
2.23The Administrator shall not be liable to the User for the protection of the User's personal data, except as expressly stated in this Agreement.
2.24The Site Administrator shall not be liable to the User or their representative for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including loss of profits or lost data, damage to honour, dignity or business reputation, caused by deliberate attempts of third parties to access the User's data.
3.1The subject of this Agreement is to establish the general conditions for the provision of services by the Website Administrator to the Users, the basic rights and obligations of the Users, the definition of the basic rules of the Website specified in paragraph 1.1.1 of this Agreement, as well as the measures of responsibility for violation of the terms of this Agreement.
3.2 Within the limits of the present User agreement the Site Administrator renders to the User services on granting in use of technical opportunities of the Site established by its functionality, and the User undertakes to pay for services of the Administrator in the size, order and the conditions established by the present Agreement, as well as in the information placed directly on the Site.
3.3The provision of services by the Administrator of the Site is aimed at providing an opportunity for Users to spend their leisure time in the form of participation in risk-free games and entertainment without providing the possibility of material gain by using the services of the Site.
3.4Users who use the functionality of the Site for recreational purposes are prohibited from using bots and attempts to collude and interact with each other in order to influence the results of the provision of these services for the benefit of one or more of these Users. Detection by the Site Administrator of such facts will be the basis for the prohibition of the User's access to the Site as a whole.
3.6 As part of enabling the User to use the functionality of the Site (regardless of its name, purpose and content), the Administrator of the Site provides the User with the following related services:
3.6.1Access to use the Site;
3.6.2The right to use the technical features of the Site;
3.6.3Providing information about certain multiplayer online or offline computer games;
3.6.4Making Virtual Objects available to the User in the manner and on the terms defined in the relevant Agreement.
3.7The services provided by the Site Administrator are entertainment (graphics/animation presented on the Site) and attraction (software-simulator). The Site's services are conceptually related to the topic of multiplayer online games. The services provided by the Site Administrator are aimed at satisfying the personal emotional and psychological needs of Users and are based on the principle of a simulator. As a result of using the services the User may experience emotional satisfaction from his participation in a simulation of certain game situations, without assuming the burden of possible negative consequences of that process (a process which is presented in the services on the Site only as a simulation).
3.8The services provided by the Website Administrator are not services on organization and holding risk-based games, i.e. they are not gambling, lotteries, sweepstakes and are not other services where the User bears any material risks. That is, services are not processes in which the User enters into a risk-based agreement to win. The services provided by the Site Administrator do not contain elements of gambling, do not contain elements and signs of a risk-based agreement to win (risk-based games, risky games).
3.9The Website Administrator may cancel the provision of certain services without prior notice to Users. In this case, the Website Administrator shall restore on the User's account all funds, etc., deposited by the User to receive the relevant services.
4.1The Website Administrator provides entertainment and attraction services to Users with an opportunity to receive a particular Virtual Object, determined at the discretion of the Website Administrator and in accordance with the functionality of the Website.
4.2In order to receive the relevant service, the User shall pay a fee in the form of funds owned by the User and held in the User's Account. The amount of the fee is determined by the information posted on the Site itself, in the section of the category, the Virtual Object from which the User preferred to receive.
4.3The specific type of the Virtual object, which can be provided to the User within the framework of service provision, and its corresponding name, functionality and content are defined in the automatic mode. At the same time, upon payment, the User is only provided with the information about the category to which the relevant service (Virtual object) belongs.
4.4The User independently decides to purchase (obtain) a particular Virtual Object, the category of which is defined in this block of the Site.
4.5 After the User receives a Virtual Object (item) for participating in this Service Block, the User has an opportunity to Sell or Withdraw the received Virtual Object (item). This can be done both on the webpage where the services were provided to the User, and on the User's Profile webpage, in the 'Your Items' section.
4.5.1 The sale of the Virtual Object (item) will transfer the full value of the Virtual Object (item) in which it was appraised into a cash equivalent to the User's Account. The Virtual Object itself will be deleted from the User's Account.
4.5.2 Withdrawal of the Virtual object (item) will cause the cost of the Virtual object (item) to be sent to the User's account in the STEAM service. Once the User receives the cost of the Virtual Item to his STEAM account, the Virtual Item is deleted from the User's Account on the Site.
4.5.3 If after the User receives a Virtual Item for participation in this Service Block, the User has not made a sale or withdrawal of the Virtual Item within 24 (twenty-four) hours, then the Virtual Item is automatically Sold according to the rules described in paragraph 4.5.1 of this Agreement.
4.6The user is absolutely clear and precise that:
  • The fee paid by the User for the service of acquiring a Virtual Object is unconditionally non-refundable;
  • The specific type of the Virtual Object transferred to the User as part of the service may not meet the User's expectations and/or desires;
  • The specific type of the Virtual Object transferred to the User within the service is determined automatically by a random selection by the technical system of the Site;
  • The Virtual Object provided to the User as part of the service may not correspond to the payment made by the User in terms of its content and market value.
  • By making the Replenishment, the User opens access to the withdrawal of Virtual Objects, as well as other functions of the Website that are otherwise closed, for a period of 30 (thirty) days, after which the above mentioned functions are automatically disabled until the repeated Replenishment of the Account is made.
4.7 The Site provides the User with access to a Feature called 'Giveaway':
4.7.1 The functionality of the Site located at enables the User to receive a particular Virtual Item or access a particular promotion, without having to pay for the User's funds in the User's Account. The User fulfils the requirements described on the functionality page and then receives the above described option. Receipt of each subsequent promotion described above after the first one is limited to the time specified at the site's functionality posting address.
4.8 The Site provides the User with access to the Features of the Site called 'Contracts':
4.8.1 The functionality of the Website located at enables the User to receive a particular Virtual Object by depositing 3-10 Virtual Objects from their User Account. Before the User contributes Virtual Objects from his or her User Account, the User is provided with specific information about the value of the Virtual Object being received by the User, as determined by the Site.
4.9 The Site provides the User with access to the Features of the Site called 'Upgrades':
4.9.1 The functionality of the Website located at enables the User to receive a particular Virtual Object by depositing 1-7 Virtual Objects from their User Account. The User shall be provided with detailed information about the Virtual Object to be received by the User, prior to the deposit of the Virtual Objects by the User from his or her User Account. This information includes, but is not limited to: the value of the Virtual Item determined by the Site, the name of the Virtual Item, the extent to which the User can receive the Virtual Item. The User shall receive a guaranteed Virtual Item regardless of the outcome.
5.1The User undertakes to pay the Administrator of the Site remuneration in the amount and in the order determined by the information posted directly on the Site for the provision of the services provided by this Agreement.
5.2Payment for the services of the Administrator is made by writing off the appropriate account of the User in payment for the use of the Site provided by the Administrator of the Site.
5.3Methods of replenishing the User's account, the payment systems used are determined at the discretion of the Website Administrator and are implemented in the technical functionality of the Website.
5.4Commissions associated with the payment of services of the Site Administrator (with the replenishment of the User's account) are paid by the User.
5.5 If the User does not have enough money to pay for the services of the Website Administrator in the amount determined by the relevant information posted on the Website, the Website Administrator does not provide such User with the possibility to receive the Virtual Object.
5.6 If the User performs any suspicious actions using the functionality of the Site, the Site Administrator reserves the right to temporarily suspend the User's ability to withdraw Virtual Objects (items) from the Site in order to perform details of the User's operations.
5.7 If the User uses vulnerabilities in the software code of the Site to gain profit, the Site Administrator reserves the right to block such User and write off all monetary (electronic) funds and Virtual Objects received in such a way from the User's Account on the Site.
5.8 If the User uses any software in order to benefit from participation in any of the service blocks, the Site Administrator reserves the right to block such User and write off all monetary (electronic) funds and Virtual Objects received in this way from the User's Account on the Site.
6.1The User and the Site Administrator shall be liable for violation of the conditions set forth in this Agreement in accordance with applicable law.
6.2For violation of this Agreement, the Site Administrator has the right to apply the following measures to the User:
  • Block the User's access to use the functionality of the Site for a specified period or without time limitation;
  • Limit the scope of possible use of the Site by the User for a certain period of time or without defining the term;
  • Unilaterally cancel (terminate) this Agreement with the User.
6.3The Administrator of the Site is not responsible for losses and expenses incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Site, in particular:
  • Losses and expenses caused by the use of information posted on the Site.
  • Losses and expenses caused by unauthorized access of third parties, including other Users, to the User's Profile.
  • Losses and expenses incurred by the User due to receipt of the Virtual Object that does not meet the User's wishes and/or intentions.
  • Losses and expenses related to problems on the STEAM services side.
  • Losses and expenses incurred by the User in connection with Valve's blocking of the Site's bots.
  • Losses and expenses caused by problems, cataclysms and force majeure factors and/or circumstances beyond the control of the Administration.
6.4Site Administrator is not responsible for costs, losses and / or other damages incurred by the User in connection with the review of advertisements, advertising banners and ads, contextual advertising, hyperlinks, which are posted on the Site.
6.5The User undertakes not to make any demands or claims to the Administrator of the Website related to the failure to provide (refusal to provide) the User with the Virtual Item, provision to the User of the Virtual Item that does not correspond to the User's wishes and/or intentions.
6.6Site Administrator is not responsible for possible failures and interruptions in the Site and the resulting loss of information.
7.1The Website Administrator and the User hereby have established a pre-trial complaint procedure for settling disagreements and disputes arising out of this Agreement. The deadline for responding to the submitted complaint is 10 (ten) business days from the date of its receipt.
7.2 On all problems and defects related to the functioning of the Site, as well as with the performance of obligations by the Administrator of the Site, the User must inform the Administrator of the Site not later than within twenty-four hours (twenty-four hours) of the detection of the relevant problems and defects.
7.3 In case of failure to reach agreement on controversial issues, the dispute arising from this Agreement shall be subject to judicial review in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom at the location of the Website Administrator.
8.1This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its posting on the Internet at the Site specified in paragraph 1.1.1 of this Agreement.
8.2This Agreement is entered into for an indefinite period of time and shall become null and void upon cancellation by the Administrator of the Site.
8.3 In case of amendments to the Agreement, such amendments shall become effective on the date of publication of the new version of the Agreement on the Website, unless another effective date is additionally determined when publishing the amendments.
8.4The User agrees to independently monitor changes in the provisions of this Agreement and is responsible for the negative consequences associated with non-compliance with this obligation.
8.5 If the User does not agree with the changes made to this Agreement, the User must stop using the Site. Otherwise, continued use of the Site by the User, which does not comply with the wishes and/or intentions of the User of the Site means that the User agrees to the terms of the Agreement in the new edition.
8.6The up-to-date version of the Agreement is available at the Website::
8.7This Agreement has been written in the English language. If it is necessary to read it in any other language, an online or offline translator shall be used. However, in the event of any inconsistency between the English language version of the Agreement and the version of the Agreement translated into another language, the English language version of the Agreement shall prevail and be directly enforceable.